Opera Mini 5.1 Beta – Performer or Bummer?

Okay, so now that all the hype and hoopla over Opera Mini 5.1 finally crossing the barrier and becoming a native Symbian app from the Java version is over, one question that I have is, ‘is it really worth it?’ Read on to find out…


As soon as I installed and opened it on my E63, my first impressions were ”OMG!! Is this really Opera Mini??!!”. It loaded super fast and was faster than the Mobile version too! And yes, I forgot for a second if I was really using Mini version.

While my initial thoughts about the native Mini were exemplary, I dug into settings to see what’s new there – everything’s standard Mini, just for the added option to select default APN, finally!


Nothing else has changed, a drop down panel just like the one in Mobile and Mini 5 versions.


But no, it ain’t slow like the Java Mini – it’s perhaps the fastest Opera Browser for Mobiles – both Mobile and Mini. Sounds exciting, but hey, hold on! The Table/column alignment is just pathetic! Look at the snapshots below for yourself –





And there was one annoying problem – I couldn’t download it from Opera but from a third party. Maybe the servers were busy.

While there are bound to be certain bugs in every app, I wonder why the developers do not involve end users while developing an app. Or atleast they could test it thoroughly themselves, we forgive them – the app’s still in Beta. Its a step in right direction though.

Get Opera Mini 5.1 Beta for your Nokia from here

Posted by Wordmobi

2 thoughts on “Opera Mini 5.1 Beta – Performer or Bummer?

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention Opera Mini 5.1 Beta – Performer or Bummer? « AndroSym -- Topsy.com

  2. Pingback: Opera Mini 5.1 beta how does it perform? | WOMWorld/Nokia

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