Appomendations #3 – Get out, Get going!

This time around, I come up with a list of apps that will increase your productivity and you can get going on the go! I’m sure you’ll like them, with Dawn of the Fly thrown in for some fun. So don’t waste time, get there, get going!

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Opera Mini 5.1 Beta – Performer or Bummer?

Okay, so now that all the hype and hoopla over Opera Mini 5.1 finally crossing the barrier and becoming a native Symbian app from the Java version is over, one question that I have is, ‘is it really worth it?’ Read on to find out…


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How to: Multiple Search Engines in Opera Mobile!

I’ve been a long time Opera Mobile User and I believe many of you too have been using it since quite some time. Did you notice one difference between the Mini and Mobile versions? Mini has multiple search engines while Mobile has just Google.



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