Symbian’s Death – Imminent or a Desperate Hoax shoutout?

For sometime now, there’s been a lot of buzz on the internet about Symbian’s future. Some say it is about to die sooner than later while some say its uncertain. Well, future is the most uncertain, but then, things ain’t so uncertain as they are being made to be. I make an attempt to clear some of the confusion, taking a low down on the various OSs – number of devices that run on Symbian and Android, and iOS for reference, and an unbiased perspective from a Symbian user’s point of view.


In the past few days, Nokia has been creating a lot of buzz, both for reasons desirable and undesirable. While it has done a world of good to itself with the N8 and other S^3..errm, Symbian devices, its decision to sack 1800 employees yesterday hasn’t quite gone down too well with many, it is purely a management decision – disguised unemployment is a big, big disadvantage. Hence, the decision should be taken in a positive way.

Again, the management at Nokia is being revamped. People from outside are being included and the ageing, old ones are going out. While this certainly doesn’t sound very good at first, it is needed. A big organization like Nokia needs to evolve continuously and fresh faces are introduced from time to time to make sure that the organization does not face crisis – in this case, burying itself deep into it. Nokia’s comeback has been contemplated for quite some time now, and people are anxiously waiting to see where/how it goes. In such a situation, people are bound to get those people on board who can rescue them, so, Nokia is helping itself. Although the public needs to trust that the decision is a wise one, they’re being eluded by the iBoys (ya’ll know what I want to say, eh?). No, we have nothing against anyone, but then, truth prevails. Some sponsored websites have further added to the illusion. Bashing at the wonderful N8 is not something that one would expect from these sites. Yet they’ve done that, and that is quintessential to continue the sponsorship they receive.

Coming back to the ‘sacking saga’, I’ve read on some sites that Tim Holbrow has been appointed as the executive director of The Symbian Foundation in place of Lee Williams to wind up the business. And according to a Gartner report, Android OS will pip Symbian to No. 2 spot. While spots are important, its nothing surprising. These things are being talked about ever since iOS and Android have come into existence. In a highly competitive market like mobile industry, the share of The market leader is bound to fall. Atleast that’s what we’ve been taught at school (yes, I still believe my teachers).

This is what is happening exactly with Nokia and Symbian. This is nothing more than applying basic principles of Economics and Management. Nokia was a virtual monopoly initially when there was no iOS or Android. The situation is not the same now. Android is a great OS and that justifies its 17% market share in just a couple of years of existence. Also, one needs to consider the fact that it is from Google.


As far as iOS is concerned, its nothing much more than mere eye-candy. Power users are bound to be disappointed. I was, when i used an iPhone. Even now, there’s no real multitasking on it. Symbian has a great multitasking prowess and its been doing that for a long, long time. The eye candy is one thing that has attracted people to iOS and yes, the developers too. What Symbian needs is more eye candy. And one thing that has to be noted is that iOS is what it is today because it has been treated like a kid by Mr. Jobs – like a person protects his kid, so is iOS – no multitasking, super restrictive terms.. this is something where both Android and Symbian score points over iOS. And yes, there’s some sense why iOS is protected – its pretty weak from the core. Okay, lets not delve on such things.. Lets get down to digest some facts.

In the number of “smart mobile device” sales, Symbian devices are the market leaders. Statistics published for the second quarter of 2010 showed that Symbian devices comprised a 41.2% share of smart mobile devices sold, Android having 17.2%, and iOS having 15.1%.

The shipment volume of Symbian devices grew 4.8%, from 74.9 million units to 78.5 million units. From Q2 2009 to Q2 2010, the shipment volume of Symbian devices grew 41.5%, by 8.0 million units, compared with an increase of 9.6 million units for Android and 3.2 million units for Apple.


While this certainly shows who the leader is, it certainly should make you clear what we want to emphasize. Symbian’s not dying, iOS ain’t taking over, and the speculation must come to an end. As a matter of fact, any rational businessman would not wind up his business where he controls almost half of the market, will he? Let the speculation RIP and may the Almighty give judgmental abilities to the desperados.

We want to hear from you. Let us know what you think in the comments section 🙂

Posted by Wordmobi

26 thoughts on “Symbian’s Death – Imminent or a Desperate Hoax shoutout?

  1. Agreed. I’ve tried iOS as well as Android, and completely agree that Symbian has real potential. Just because you have a new OS around the corner, is no reason to bash up the old one.

  2. good article but the future of Symbian is still not hazy as Nokia is going to switch to Meego for high end devices. Most of the people are not interested in low end devices which are going to come with Symbian.

    • as far as i believe, meego will only be used for mini-computers aka N900 types. Symbian is an all rounder, and that is why it is not going to die. Nokia has only N900 running on meego, everything else is symbian.

  3. Pingback: Tweets that mention Symbian’s Death – Imminent or a Desperate Hoax shoutout? « AndroSym --

  4. Finally! Some analysis that isn’t all doom and gloom. 🙂

    As a staunch supporter of the Symbian Foundation and the Symbian Platform, I remain hopeful that things will pan out for the best in the long term – although I’m rather cagey and woried at the moment, based upon things that I’ve heard from folks in the know.

  5. Hey, you guys keep on thinking iPhone is just eye candy, and Symbian “smartphones” are outselling the iPhone by a huge margin.

    Don’t worry about the fact that the iPhone is at least £500 and the Nokia “smartphones” being quoted are mostly under £100, that is OK.

    Keep those heads firmly in the sand, it suits Apple just fine 🙂


    • here you go, iBoy! Tell me if can send a file over bluetooth to other phones? Tell me if you can do a normal video call to other phones.. You cannot, eh? Tell me if you can do real multitasking? Yes, there’s a big price difference, but that’s because iPhone buyers are being duped. Lets not get personal when one cannot do a decent voice call over an iPhone.

  6. Good balanced article, I’ve been a Nokia user for years and still prefer Symbian, my major disappointment with my N97 is speed and lack of memory, both seem to have been addressed with Symbian^3 so I think I’ll be happy. As for ‘eye candy’ it’s a very subjective thing , and although I’m a bit of ‘tech geek’ and am interested in various phone OS’s I will stick with Nokia if the new handsets give me what I want, multi tasking, speed and reliability. I don’t buy a phone as an accessory, I buy it to phone, txt, surf the web and to carry multimedia with me. Also the fact that the UI isn’t ‘pretty’ on Symbian means the current users, of whom I think will not even use 30% of the features available on there current handsets, will stick with it because it maintains a comforting familiarity, which Meego, iOS and Android don’t ! What’s the point alienating 41% of mobile phone users ?

    • my point exactly – who’ll let go 41% of the market share? Not even a 5th standard kid. Symbian, as it is going to be called from now, will give users what they hoped from N97, plus, something that they or others haven’t expected from anyone. USB to go is a novel feature and hence, Nokia is back to its innovative ways.

  7. I would say that is a fair assessment of the situation.

    Nokia are far from over as you say largest market share. Alright competition is picking up but this is good for us and the manufacturers. They have to produce better devices and we as consumers benefit from more sophisicated smartfones.

    Companies shed jobs so they can be lean and agile for the future and to the weather the current economic climate.
    I was surprised there was so much negative press for the N8 and I would agree these sites have loyalties elsewhere.

    The N8 is one of the most feature packed smartfones out there! Alright its not perfect none of them are but its damn good and I for one think Nokia are a great company I’ve never had any problems with them in the 10-12years I’ve been using their products.

    heres to a bright future for Nokia….

  8. This is indeed well put. However, as I said before, one only has to look at the target audiences and the current trends. Virtually every site I checked for reviews on S3 and the N8 have made identical points. They have not been simply bashing the phone, but all (or most) agreeing that the hardware is first class, but S3 is dated, and this will not attract new users.
    No one can argue about Symbian’s multitasking ability or how efficient it is. And no amount of blog posts about how “Symbian is for real users, Android and iOS are for kids” will change the fact that more and more younger users going for smartphones will be swayed by the ‘eye candy’ ! I am an Apple Mac fan, yet the iPhone does not appeal to me. I am quite happy with an iPod Touch and the iPhone is too restricted in usability ! But Android might do much better, and Symbian/Nokia need to come much better if they are to compete, and not rely on sales numbers worldwide alond, as even it seems to be slipping in traditionally strong markets like India etc.
    I really would like to see S4 step up to the plate, and hope there still IS hope !

  9. Pingback: Symbian’s Death – Imminent or a Desperate Hoax shoutout? | PDA-247

  10. Pingback: Symbian’s Death – Imminent or a Desperate Hoax shoutout? | Best Smartphone Blogging

  11. Nokia’s recently announced approach to prioritize Qt as it centerpiece for UI development going forward is both excellent news for the Qt developer and Nokia smart-phone user. No more compatibility break with the now defunct Symbian^4 (Orbit UI). In fact, it’s now just called Symbian, with rolling improvements. The Symbian OS has been refocused to CORE OS functions, with the UI stack being delegated to Qt. Same for Meego. I think this is a really smart move and a game changer. No other OPEN smartphone system has been so structured to avoid fragmentation. Under Qt, the developer momentum should be fun to watch.

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