Symbian still leads, Android racing ahead – Gartner

It’s time for all those Quarterly reports to be published and this one report by Gartner is of importance. There’s always some news to cheer for in the Smartphones segment – total smartphone sales grew by a whopping 96%. At present, smartphones account for almost 19.3% of the total mobile phones, but the growth is rapid.


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Symbian’s Death – Imminent or a Desperate Hoax shoutout?

For sometime now, there’s been a lot of buzz on the internet about Symbian’s future. Some say it is about to die sooner than later while some say its uncertain. Well, future is the most uncertain, but then, things ain’t so uncertain as they are being made to be. I make an attempt to clear some of the confusion, taking a low down on the various OSs – number of devices that run on Symbian and Android, and iOS for reference, and an unbiased perspective from a Symbian user’s point of view.


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