Download: Nuke Defender free from Ovi Store

Another free game in the Ovi Store that we have got our hands on is Nuke Defender by Playbuff . The title sounds good, eh? Why don’t you get your hands on it then? Head over to the Ovi Store now to get it for free!


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Opera Mini 5.1 Beta – Performer or Bummer?

Okay, so now that all the hype and hoopla over Opera Mini 5.1 finally crossing the barrier and becoming a native Symbian app from the Java version is over, one question that I have is, ‘is it really worth it?’ Read on to find out…


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Symbian’s Death – Imminent or a Desperate Hoax shoutout?

For sometime now, there’s been a lot of buzz on the internet about Symbian’s future. Some say it is about to die sooner than later while some say its uncertain. Well, future is the most uncertain, but then, things ain’t so uncertain as they are being made to be. I make an attempt to clear some of the confusion, taking a low down on the various OSs – number of devices that run on Symbian and Android, and iOS for reference, and an unbiased perspective from a Symbian user’s point of view.


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Download: SmsLive from Ovi Store, preview-cum-review

Okay, i did find this app in Ovi Store, but ignored it for a long long time – i made an assumption that the app is just to update Facebook and Twitter updates by sending an SMS! Yes, the intoduction in Ovi Store doesn’t convey the message properly. Lets get down to what it is..


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Review: Mobile Documents from Visiarc

So, you own a Nokia and have Nokia Messaging for Email (we love the service, but hate the long name; hint- ‘nokia email’?) that pushes your mail directly on your device? And you can have upto 10 accounts active at the same time? That doesn’t mean you should ignore other push mail apps! We certainly wont. And so we have Mobile Documents installed on our device.


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Nokia Chat – Help to make it better

Initially, when i’d first bought my mobile and started using the Nokia Chat app, it worked very smoothly – no issues nothing. But later, when i started using the device (yes, device. The app crashed when i used to multi-task) fully, the app crashed many times. Read on to see what i have to suggest..


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Nokia, Ovi and We – A Connected World

What strikes your mind when you think about mobiles? Talking over the phone? Texting? Games? Or Facebooking, tweeting? Well, i say, everything! Convergence is the new mantra, isn’t it? Yes, it is! So did Nokia think and announed Ovi on 29th August, 2007.


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Game Download: Revolve, now reviewed!

Another free game in the Ovi store and another review we have. No folks, its not Gameloft this time, its Fluid Pixel, providing Revolve, a puzzle game for Nokia devices, not asking a single penny!


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Review: Midnight Pool 2

GameLoft has been releasing a slew of games on the Ovi Store for quite some time now. So, whats new, you may ask. What’s not old is that it has been releasing some premium games, all for free. I came across this cool games Midnight Pool 2 today and gave it a try on my E63.


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